Pixel art of white dog wearing sunglasses, riding a skateboard. Very cool. Cool Dog Role-Playing Games

Games for dice and paper

Blue Marble

The world is strange, and it is small, and sometimes it needs to be saved. Best to send in the strange and the small to save it. Whether the threat is interstellar, interdimensional, or very close to home, with enough duct tape, some string, and a little gumption, I don’t think there is any reason to lose hope. In Blue Marble, you play as a group of unlikely saviors in a time of weird but ever encroaching catastrophe. You might be a clever kid with a handful of pocket change and a yo-yo, or a spry octogenarian, sharp as a tack and ready for another adventure. Maybe you’re a cool psychic dog on a skateboard? I don’t know, I’m not your mother. I won’t stop you.

For 3 or more players.

This Game is Trying to Kill Us

Inspired by Jumanji, in this game you play as a group of folks fighting for their lives as a board game comes to life and tries to kill them.

For 2-4 players with no GM.

The Tournament of Gods (and You!)

Play as the weakest member of a shounen fighting team competing in a tournament against the strongest warriors this side of the galaxy. Lose a bunch of fights. Find out who you really are.

For 1 player.

Marketable Cartoons

The year is 199X and you have one job. Sell toys to children via low budget cartoons. Sure, kids love “Giant Robots that Turn Into Cars” and “Pretty Girls with Spinning Death Wings”, but if we want to get in on this game, we have to do better for cheaper. I know you got into this business to “make art” and “tell meaningful stories”, but that can’t happen if we don’t keep our doors open. Merchandise Matters!

For 5-ish players.